Vector Lab Products (division of Follett Products, LLC) offers a full line of Energy Star® certified cold storage products and solutions designed specifically for the Life Science and Academic Research markets. From +4° C to -150° C, we are your stable source for controlled environment storage and work process needs.
About us
Vector laboratory refrigerators and freezers
High performance value for everyday lab use
Building on over 70 years of refrigeration manufacturing experience, the Vector portfolio of +4° C refrigerators and -25° C freezers is designed to exceed the high demands of researchers by focusing on performance, security, and sustainability. All models feature our modular Complete Refrigeration System (CRS) cooling plant utilizing SNAP compliant natural refrigerants and carry Energy Star® certification. Learn more about our sustainable refrigeration.

Ultra-low temperature and cryogenic freezers
One of the most reliable preservation systems in the industry
A co-branded partnership between PHCbi and Vector offers biomedical, ultra-low temperature and cryogenic freezers designed specifically for laboratories to preserve biological samples and other high value products. These freezers deliver stable temperatures at set points of -40° C and -86° C and -150° C respectively. Featured ULT freezers include the PHCbi VIP® ECO providing one of the most reliable preservation systems in the industry. These units are available in a variety of sizes to fit all your research application ultra-low temperature preservation needs.